Dining & Culinary


Delicious Culinary Experiences

Great food creates an ideal environment for socialization and a healthy lifestyle. There’s nothing better than sitting down to a nutritious meal made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients prepared by our executive chef. Each delicious meals uses fresh ingredients that meet high nutritional standards and are served restaurant-style.

Food should nourish your body and spirit. Here, mealtimes bring us together as neighbors, as family, and as a community.

Restaurant-Style Dining at Somerby at Santa Rosa Beach

Our dining services feature restaurant-quality, chef-prepared meals served in elegant dining spaces. 

There’s something for everyone, from new culinary experiences to home-cooked meals. Whatever you prefer, every meal is delicious and nutritious and meets your dietary needs.

Our Culinary Gallery

Dinner’s Ready at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach

Gathering with your community to enjoy a fresh, delicious meal is a great way to connect with friends and family. 

Come visit us today to see what living only moments away from your own restaurant experience can be.

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