Events & Experiences


Every Day Is an Event

When you join Somerby Santa Rosa Beach, you’re not just choosing a place to live—you’re choosing a lifestyle built around engaging events and experiences. We believe in celebrating life every day by pursuing passions that encourage creativity, partaking in events like on-site wine tastings, and spending days at the beach.

Exploring personal hobbies and pastimes is all part of our dedication to resident wellcare. We make it easy to stay curious by providing opportunities and materials to learn on-site. 

Diverse Experiences

We cultivate events and activities for a diverse array of interests, catering to the various passions and interests our residents hold dear, including:

  • Hobby groups and clubs
  • Trips to the beach
  • On-site wine tasting events
  • Guest speakers 
  • Onsite events and celebrations
  • Continuing education and learning

Our events and activities foster connections, enrich minds, and encourage personal growth.

What’s Around Somerby at Santa Rosa Beach?

Somerby Santa Rosa Beach is a warm, welcoming community of like-minded adults that exemplifies the essence of Gulf Coast living.

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a tour of the Destin History and Fishing Museum and then heading home to a chef-prepared meal

Don’t forget the miles of white sand beaches! We’re just minutes from Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, and Panama City Beach, along with shopping, entertainment, and restaurants.

Catch a Glimpse of the Somerby Experience

There’s always something exciting happening here. Take a peek at our calendar for upcoming events, activities, and day trips.

Schedule a visit today, and you might catch a glimpse of one of the exciting community happenings at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach.

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