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Water Aerobics for Seniors: What Are the Benefits?

A group of older adults in an indoor pool using foam weights during a water aerobics class.

Water aerobics is gaining popularity. For seniors looking to improve their physical health, water aerobics offers a simple and engaging way to stay active, without putting too much strain on the joints. Whether you’re new to exercising or have been active for years, this activity can make a difference.

Some benefits of water aerobics for seniors include:

  • Boosting cardiovascular health 
  • Losing weight 
  • Maintaining muscle mass 
  • Increasing flexibility 
  • Reducing joint pain 
  • Relaxing in the pool 
  • Entertainment

Boosting Cardiovascular Health

Cardio workouts are among the most important exercises to perform. They’re key to a strong heart, improved overall wellness, and a boosted cardiovascular system. Water aerobics is a heart-friendly activity since the resistance of the water helps:

  • Increase heart rate
  • Improve circulation
  • Boost heart health

Over time, regularly participating in water aerobics can even reduce the risk of heart disease. This simple exercise boosts endurance and overall health to help older adults stay active in their everyday lives.

Losing Weight

Weight management can sometimes be more challenging as we age. It’s natural to put on weight with the passing years—it’s expected that most people gain around 1-2 pounds per passing year.

However, regular exercise can help combat this weight gain. Water aerobics offers an effective way to lose weight, as the activity burns calories while still being gentle on the body. By incorporating water aerobics into their routine, seniors can steadily work toward losing weight and a healthier lifestyle.

Maintaining Muscle Mass

It often seems as though older adults regularly lose muscle mass as the years pass. This isn’t an illusion—it’s a common problem called “sarcopenia.” 

This condition affects the musculoskeletal system, causing the loss of roughly 5-10% of muscle mass with each passing decade. It typically begins around the age of 40, though this can vary. At least 10-20% of the aged population is living with sarcopenia.

While the exact cause of sarcopenia is unknown, it’s believed that genetics, obesity, and underlying conditions can contribute to its development. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be permanent. 

With regular exercise like water aerobics, older adults can strengthen their muscles and maintain a healthier life. The resistance of the water makes it easier to exercise and prevent the effects of conditions like sarcopenia. 

Increasing Flexibility

Flexibility is more important than you might think. A flexible body is the key to:

  • Maintaining mobility
  • Preventing injury
  • Preserving independence

Water aerobics can play a big role here. In the water, older adults can perform a wide range of motions that might otherwise be painful. While the water takes weight off their joints, they can stretch and exercise without worrying about inflammation. This makes their workout less uncomfortable and helps them increase their flexibility.

Reducing Joint Pain

It’s expected that more than 50% of adults over the age of 65% have some sort of joint pain. Whether this is due to arthritis, osteoporosis, or any other chronic condition, joint pain can make most exercises more uncomfortable.

However, water aerobics take significant weight off the joints. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to exercise without putting extensive strain on the body. Older adults can safely perform most water aerobic exercises without worrying about worsening their joint pain. In fact, water aerobics may even be able to reduce chronic pain!

A smiling older adults holding a foam pool noodle overhead during a water aerobics class.

Relaxing in the Pool

Water aerobics offers a unique opportunity to exercise and relax at the same time. The weightlessness of being in the water can:

  • Alleviate stress
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Promote calmness

Your loved one can push themselves to try and build muscle or simply enjoy floating in the pool. It’s a simple activity that’s great for seniors looking to reduce tension and relax while exercising, giving them a host of benefits.


Water aerobics isn’t a solitary exercise. They’re often done in group glasses with others from the community. This makes them a social opportunity where your loved one can enjoy working with others towards improved fitness.

Classes also often include music and engaging exercises that let participants move at their own pace. Older adults can enjoy themselves while staying active, with the added bonus of making new friends. It’s a great way to feel like part of a larger community.

Feel Supported on Your Journey to Improved Health

By participating in water aerobics, seniors can enjoy a range of remarkable benefits. From improved cardiovascular health to reduced everyday pain, it’s an excellent activity full of positives.

Here at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach, we’re happy to provide residents access to our on-site indoor pool. From water aerobics to hydrotherapy sessions, there’s always a way to enjoy being in the water. Staying active is a key aspect of senior living, and we’re happy to help. Schedule a visit with us today to see for yourself!

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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