Senior Living Wellness
in Santa Rosa Beach


Live an Enriched Life

We believe living well means feeling your best. 

All lifestyle options at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach include comprehensive wellness strategies that prioritize physical, mental, and emotional health.

Personalization is the key. Every resident receives a personalized health program tailored to their individual needs. On-site therapy services and a fully equipped gym keep you moving and regular health assessments help keep your fitness journey on track. 

To see this approach first-hand, we invite you to schedule a visit with us today!

Our Fully-Equipped Fitness Center

Our fitness center has exercise equipment, free weights, and an indoor pool. Enjoy the benefits of hydrotherapy and physical activity, or participate in a wide variety of fitness classes like dance or yoga—there’s something for every interest and fitness level.

We also offer comprehensive physical and occupational therapy services to support your well-being.

On-Site Therapy

Our on-site therapists provide expertise in physical, occupational, and speech-language pathology. Their innovative and holistic approach empowers residents to achieve their wellness goals.

Our physical therapists strive to improve mobility, balance, and strength through a custom blend of therapeutic exercises and hands-on care, ensuring residents can pursue their passions with vigor and confidence.


Communication is a bridge that connects us, and our speech therapy program helps maintain and enhance this vital connection. 

Our therapy team addresses difficulties with speech, language, and swallowing, empowering residents to express themselves clearly and enjoy the social aspects of life.

Meaningful activities are central to one’s sense of self, and occupational therapy supports our residents in navigating daily life with ease and autonomy.

Welcome Home: Supporting Residents & Their Well-Being

Our Welcome Home program integrates care, personalization, and compassion to foster the health and wellness of our residents.

Starting with a personalized Lifestyle & Wellness Plan, we can establish your loved one’s goals and needs and develop a wellness plan that best serves them.

We are here to support you every step of the way. The process can be as quick as the same day or match the timeline that best serves your family’s needs. Our experienced team of professionals is committed to making the process seamless and efficient for you. We manage all aspects of the process and provide you with the resources and support that you may need!

We encourage you to visit the community as many times as you’d like. We believe that meeting our team and experiencing the community in person is invaluable in making this decision. In addition to the tour, we also welcome you to join us for a meal or an event!

During your visit, we will schedule a time to develop a customized Lifestyle & Wellness Plan for your loved one. This is a rather easy process that can be completed at home or in our community.

A Lifestyle & Wellness Plan evaluates the necessities for optimal resident well-being, covering aspects like:

  • Daily living activity support
  • Complete healthcare provisions
  • Proactive healthcare management and coordination 
  • Accurate medication administration
  • Personalized nutritional plans

Our Lifestyle & Wellness Plan is pivotal in tailoring care to meet the individual needs of each resident. This process ultimately dictates the monthly level-of-care fee, meaning residents only pay for the services they need. This process also provides peace of mind and potentially prolongs the enjoyment of assisted living benefits.

The individual pricing model empowers residents to find the care they need at a price that makes sense, which can help extend their stay within our supportive community.

Discerning the appropriate level of care involves a systematic, 3-step process:

  1. A comprehensive Lifestyle & Wellness Plan.
  2. Analysis of the care and time associated with service provision.
  3. Allocation of a suitable level of care based on this plan.

This straightforward method ensures residents with minimal requirements benefit from lower fees, while those necessitating extensive services receive ample support.

The Lifestyle & Wellness Plan is a process we use regularly so we can offer up-to-date support for residents.

These consistent evaluations are conducted with healthcare professionals, the resident, and their families, solidifying a joint effort in wellness strategy.

We are adept at adjusting our services to align with residents’ evolving needs. By continually monitoring and communicating, we can match their needs as they change.

Our team will coordinate with your loved one’s physician and manage all aspects of the necessary health forms. If moving from out of town, we have partnerships with local physicians who can help support this process. The next step is the Residency Agreement, which we send electronically. Once you receive the agreement, we will coordinate a meeting with you to review any and all questions.

Our “Making it Home” program is focused on creating a personalized plan for the day of move-in and the weeks following. Your loved one will have a resident ambassador and an associate ambassador to support them through their transition. We will also schedule weekly calls to ensure the move-in experience is exactly as it should be!

Live Well at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach

See how our approach to wellness creates an enriching and rewarding lifestyle. Schedule a visit at Somerby Santa Rosa Beach today.

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